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Special Advisors

Dr. Thomas F. Malone
University Distinguished Scholar Emeritus
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA
Bobby R. Inman
CEO, Inman Ventures
and Distinguished Chair at the LBJ School, Austin, Texas, USA
DR. R.A. Mashelkar
Bhatnagar Fellow &
President, Global Research Alliance
National Chemical Laboratory
Pune, INDIA.

Joachim Doering
Head of North East Region
Affiliation: Nokia Siemens Networks
Country :Moscow, RUSSIA


Leif Edvinsson
Professor, adj., on Intellectual Capital, at University of Lund Hollndargatan 22, 2
S-113 59, Stockholm, SWEDEN
Hubert Saint-Onge
CEO of Saint-Onge Alliance
Country : Hamilton, CANADA

Dr. Eduard DeBono
The Edward de Bono Foundation
Country :IRELAND


Dr. Tayeb Kamali
Chancellor of the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), CEO
Affiliation: Center of Excellence for Applied Research and Training (CERT) Abu Dhabi
Country: United Arab Emirates
Dr Don Tapscott
Affilate : Chairman, Moxie Insight Author, Macrowikinomics
Country : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Founder and CEO
Debra M. Amidon
Affiliation: Founder and CEO, ENTOVATION International, Ltd.
Address: 2 Reading Avenue, Suite 300, Wilmington, MA 01887 USA
Tel: 978/988.7995
Fax: 978/863-0124
E-mail: debra@entovation.com
URL: entovation.com, gkii.org

ENTOVATION Fellows are experts in their fields, who deliver services related to one or more of the ten Knowledge Innovation modules.
I. Collaborative Process

Abdul Samad (Sami) Kazi
Senior Research Scientist
VTT - Technical Research Centre of Finland
Tel: +358-20-722.6666

II. Performance Measures
Dr. Manfred Bornemann
Title: Founder and CEO
Affiliation: Intangible Assets Consulting GmbH
Phone: +43 699 10199034
Fax: +43 316 948727
URL: www.ia-consulting.at
III. Education/Development
Janis Stabulnieks
Title: Managing Director
Affiliation: Latvian Technological Center

Tel: +371 7557919

Fax: +371 7541218
URL: www.innovation.lv/ltc

IV. Networking Culture
Dr. Ron Dvir
Title: Founder and CEO
Affiliation: Innovation Ecology
Phone : +97 254 6441959
URL: www.InnovationEcology.com
V. Innovation Intelligence

Vincent Ribière, Ph.D., D.Sc.
Managing Director and Co-Founder of the Institute for Knowledge and Innovation Southeast Asia (IKI-SEA)
Program Director of the Knowledge and Innovation Management Ph.D. Program (KIM)
Affiliation : Bangkok University, Thailand
Tel:+662 350-3677
Email: vince@vincentribiere.com
URL : http://ikisea.bu.ac.th/, http://iklub.org/

VI. Knowledge Products/Services
Dr. Oliver Schwabe
Title: CEO
Affiliation: Eurofocus International Consultants Ltd.
Tel: +49 1709053671
Fax: +49 6734916776
URL: www.euro-focus.com
VII. Strategic Alliances
Dr. Piero Formica
Title: Dean, International University of
Entrepreneurship; Senior Research Fellow, Innovation Value Institute, INTEL Corporation
Affiliation: Univerita di Bologna, National University of Ireland
Address: Via Saragozza Bologna, 8 - 40123 ITALY
URLs: www.intentac.org, www.ivi.ie
VIII. Market/Customer Interface
Hanne Schou-Rode
Title: Owner and Managing Director
Affiliation: Impact Consult ApS

Address : 5 Hyldeskovvej, 3460 Birkeroed, Denmark
Tel: +45 4215 4000
URL: http://www.impactconsult.biz
IX. Leadership/Governance
Doug Macnamara
Title: President & CEO
Banff Executive Leadership Inc.
Address: Box 219 - 7010, Banff, AB, CANADA T0L 0C0
Tel: 403/762.5100
Fax: 403/762.2110
URL: banffexeclead.com
X. Information and Communications Technology

David Wortley
Title: Project Manager
Affiliation: NTI Creative Industries Centre for Knowledge Exchange De Montfort University
, UK
Address : Director, The Serious Games Institute
Coventry University Technology Park
Cheetah Road Coventry CV1 2TL
Tel: +442476158202
Mob: +447974984351

Sincerest thanks goes to those who have previously served as ENTOVATION Fellows:

Eunika Mercier-Laurent

David Skyrme F. Javier Carrillo
Edna Pasher Sally Ann Moore Karl-Erik Sveiby
Dr. Ante Pulic Karmen Jelcic Yvonne Buma
Dr. Charles M. Savage Ms. Elisabeth Sundrum  

Group Alliance

Global Knowledge Leadership Map EN2Polis
Scope of The ENTOVATION Network | Mission Statement | The ENTOVATION Difference | Joining the Network | Current Fellows | Principals | Geographic Liaisons | Testimonials |

1996-2004 ENTOVATION International. All rights reserved.
Page address: http://www.entovation.com/entovatn/fellows.htm
Last updated: 28 Nov 2004