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A Bretton Woods
of the Knowledge Economy: “Creation of a
dynamic world community It was designed as a unique event – a ‘happening’ in the knowledge field…an experience where the expertise and aspirations of leaders would be catapulted. Those participating in March 2003 were not disappointed. The Roundtable brought together 29 from 18 countries to continue the conversation. It opened with Esko Kilpi – described as an international statesman - who chaired the event and remarks from Dr. Paavo Uronen, Rector of the Helsinki University of Technology – sponsor of the open seminar. Dr. Uronen spoke of knowledge around the world - the global economy and how best to operate from your own base. He described the global platforms and new initiatives dedicated to entrepreneurialism and innovation. “Universities are the most important source of new knowledge, so knowledge management and knowledge navigation are essential here.” Leaders Listening to Leaders Several experts - David SKYRME (England), Leif EDVINSSON (Sweden), Mike KELLEHER (Wales), Lilly EVANS (England), Charles SAVAGE (Germany), Piero FORMICA (Italy), Edna PASHER (Israel), and Karl WIIG (USA) – were challenged to provide THEIR perception of the State-of-the-Art today in knowledge and innovation based management - different approaches in different contexts? What have we learned during the past years - what works, what does not? You can visit the presentations delivered by several notable E100 at the Dipoli Center for Life-Long Learning of the Helsinki University of Technology. http://www.dipoli.hut.fi/tietokoulutus/km/mat/. [Enter the following information: USER ID: dipoli; Password: Km – NOTE may be case sensitive]. Below are several of the prevalent themes…most of which are a real advancement beyond the typical KM or even innovation messages:
Nokia as a Case Example Perhaps the most telling moments in the open conference were when presenters converted the theater-style room of a couple of hundred people into a think-tank of why Finland – as a nation - has been so successful. People described – and with examples – the competence, curiosity and unusual culture – straight and open. Others described the sense of community, communications expertise and the connectivity factors – especially of global markets. As the audience explored the roots of the success (and now with the observations of an international audience), individual characteristics appear, such as ‘Sisu’, courage, pride (personal and civil), conscious drive, flexibility, commitment and innovation. In short, Finland enjoys a strong national identity – known for practicality and inspired leadership. The centerpiece of Finland’s corporate success is Nokia; and Dr. Erkki Ormala, Sr. Vice President and Director of Technology Policy, described how knowledge management is directly embedded throughout their business. Although this large 52K person, 30B Euro firm considers itself global (versus international), Nokia consists of many fast, flexible business areas united with a shared vision. There is a respect for the diversity of cultures while, at the same time, the need to have every employee thinking – regardless of country – ‘Nokian.’ Nokia management has carefully evolved the technical enterprise into the ‘extended’ enterprise with a significant increase in partner interaction. They have analyzed their strategy from global and material flows (e.g., global use of competence of knowledge assets, global web-enabled knowledge flows, global mobility of knowledge, etc). Knowledge, then, becomes the key element in globalization with new business elements such as:
Perhaps the most enlightening statement however, was the degree of personnel involved in R&D – 38%! From my own professional experience and anticipating increased kaleidoscopic dynamics of the knowledge economy, enterprises will have to invest significantly more resources to maintain competitive positioning. My estimate is 40% - and Nokia is already performing accordingly! Dr. Ormala spoke of ‘orchestration’: You must become more than an active player, you must become a ‘knowledge-shaper.’” He described market demand from two perspectives - supply orchestration and innovation orchestration – and the need for balance between the two. With a base of measuring the knowledge stocks and flows, they seem to have managerially developed a dynamic tension: between quality/efficiency and creativity/innovation; between doing and planning with a future scenario; between individuals and team cohesion. The real challenge for Finland now may be how to replicate the extraordinary entrepreneurial success of a Nokia into the plethora of other industries and services to build the financial base of the country and continued global leadership. Leveraging the Meso-Economics Markku Markkula, Director of Dipoli HUT and a member if Parliament, released his publication “Developing and Implementing Knowledge Management in the Parliament of Finland.” This book reviews the role of Parliament as a knowledge organization with 4 pillars: (1) KM – the impacts of technology in work and work culture; (2) Developing KM for Parliamentary work process; (3) KM learning process; and (4) Development of KM in the state administration. In the Foreword:
Building EN2Polis – An International Knowledge City of the Future How does a virtual network become a sustainable global enterprise? Members of the E100 met for the next two days identifying possible projects of common interest and developing the foundation for building a knowledge city – a marketspace where collaborative research might be performed, interaction harnessed across national borders and even ways to approach the new virtual knowledge markets with collective expertise. There was considerable discussion on several themes, such as knowledge clusters, knowledge incubation accelerators, knowledge tourism, the role of SME’s, knowledge leadership as it relates to (re) constructing countries and cultures suffering recent trauma, knowledge markets and the role of learning at all educational levels. With the architectural assistance of Bryan Davis, CEO of the Kaieteur Institute, these citizens of the new city are now busy building the scaffolding for how expertise might meet market need – efficiently and effectively. Specific details about how others can participate will be forthcoming; and now we welcome your own creative instincts about how this city will unfold. The governance thereof was placed in a steering group called the ‘Kinectees of Trust.’ This is concept-in-process stemming from some of the recent work of Ikujiru Nonaka’s ‘Ba’ linking several concepts in meaningful ways: ki·ne·sics (i.e., the study of bodily movements, facial expressions, as ways of communication or as accompaniments to speech), ki·ne·tic (i.e., of or resulting from motion; 2. energetic or dynamic), kin·e·mat·ics (i.e., motion, to move, the branch of mechanics that deals with motion in the abstract, without reference to the force or mass), con·nect (i.e., to join or fasten (two things together or one thing with or to another), link, couple; to show or think of as related; associate; to provide with a circuit for communicating by telephone; to plug into an electrical circuit; join or be joined, to meet so that passengers can transfer promptly; to be related in some way or in a proper and logical way; to reach the thing aimed at), and trust (i.e., a firm belief or confidence in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice etc of another person or thing; faith; reliance; confident expectation, anticipation, or hope to have trust in the future). The Group is now drafting a ‘Declaration of Interdependence’ to provide for: Mutual Leverage - the capabilities of one another to provide an offer that is better than any member can do individually; Independence and Interdependence (i.e. members are 'semi-autonomous interdependent entities'.); Alternative Relationships - to create win-win situations (vs. one type of partnering agreement fits all) and promote collaborative learning; Sharing of Risks and Rewards - on an agreed contractual basis for each project and set of products; and Agreed Rights and Obligations - ENTOVATION partners must meet certain standards of excellence. Innovating our Future…Together! In 15 short years, we have progressed
from Taylorism management to fulfilling the words of Dr. Next stop…Monterrey, Mexico in October hosted by Dr. F. Javier Carrillo, ITESM. And all know that it is still only the beginning… |
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