![]() Name: Joris G. Claeys Affiliation: Managing Director : ecoNVERGE | CAPix | ViVaTicA |
"Moving from change management into change facilitation has taken possibly 10 years. Now I am coaching ‘Change Cultivation’ through whole systems transformation, appreciative inquiry and moving out of the macro into the micro bringing econological solutions, working company teams in making change happen across their organizations. Companies need to adapt to the changes – in their strategies, organizational models, marketing, R&D, and operations." "One challenge is adapting team dynamics, motivational factors and collaboration inside organizations across very different generations (skills, knowledge and values) as well as interacting with people outside the traditional organization, even beyond the extended enterprise environments built the past 15 years." "Intellectual Capital [IC] - as was built from the mid-90s - is urgently up for review, based on the change in approach to knowledge and patents. Knowledge clusters and different approaches to building knowledge and innovation through collaborative models are in the make and KM will adapt towards those new socio-economic models. Knowledge needs to become more apparent and transparent, through the use of technology and computer models that filter and deliver more than just knowledge but propose alternative solutions." "Transformation Narrative’ is emerging as the only way to develop and evolve into a new human paradigm, in which we learn to balance and harmonize among people as well as with nature and natural resources." |
For further information on advice or consulting, please contact Dr. Clint Ackerman. |